Building a democratic economy rooted in community.


…below, we have posted info from 2015’s 2nd Annual Principle SIX Conference to give you some idea of what the conference is about…
This event is sponsored, in part, by CDI and CFNE - Thank you!


IT’s HERE!  |  PDF

Early bird rates before APRIL 10. Please mail completed form with check to the address on the form.  Thank you!

FACEBOOK Event Sign-up

2015 Principle 6 SCHEDULE ( 3/10/15 | FINAL )

FULL Workshop DESCRIPTIONS & Presenter BIOs  |  PDF

8:30-9am Registration & check-in

9-9:20am Greeting & quick introductions (name & organization only)

9:30-10:20am 1st workshop session

  1. Cooperative Governance with Thane Joyal of CDS Consulting Co-op
  2. Growing Worker and Producer Ownership in our Food System with Jonah Fertig of Cooperative Fermentation & Cooperative Development Institute (CDI)
  3. Marketing the Cooperative Difference with Jane Livingston of Cooperative Maine

10:30-11:20am 2nd workshop session

  1. Financing for Food Cooperatives with Gloria LaBrecque of the Cooperative Fund of New England (CFNE)
  2. Island Employee Cooperative (IEC): A Case Study for Converting Traditional Businesses to Worker-Owned Cooperatives with Rob Brown of CDI, Alan White of IEC, & Mark Sprackland, Executive Director & Founder of the Independent Retailers Shared Services Cooperative
  3. Housing Co-ops with Jessica Pooley of CDI, Vanessa Stasse of Faire-Op housing co-op and Matt Dyer of Raise-Op housing co-op in Lewiston

11:30am-12:15pm Home cooked lunch using local, organic ingredients with vegan & gluten-free options.

Please bring plate, bowl, cup & flatware.

Co-ops - please plan to bring a potluck dessert to share (ingredient list appreciated).

12:15-1pm Table Topics: informal networking on subjects posted; identify facilitator, notetaker & reporter

1:10-2pm 3rd workshop session

  1. Role of the Cooperative Board with Thane Joyal of CDS Consulting Co-op
  2. Financing for Worker Cooperatives with Gloria LaBrecque of CFNE
  3. How can co-ops in Maine work together more effectively? Exploring creating a Cooperative Network, Association, Federation or Alliance with Jonah Fertig & Rob Brown of CDI

2:10-3pm All gather for wrap up, reports from table topics, complete evaluations


4-6pm  Cooperative Design Lab Celebration - no additional admission, open to the public - -SAME location, Viles Arborteum

Please join us following the Principle Six conference to eat good food and learn about the newly forming cooperatives emerging from Cooperative Fermentation‘s 3-month Cooperative Design Lab.  Members of the cooperatives who’ve completed the program will showcase their ventures with short presentations, opportunities for questions, connecting, and revelry!


Rob Brown, Cooperative Development Institute (CDI)

Matt Dyer, Raise-Op housing co-op

Jonah Fertig, Cooperative Fermentation & CDI

Thane Joyal, CDS Consulting Co-op

Gloria LaBrecque, Cooperative Fund of New England (CFNE)

Jane Livingston has worked with the cooperative enterprise sector for 20+ years, promoting and publicizing “the co-op difference” for nonprofits, cooperatives, educational institutions and publications in the US and Canada.

Jessica Pooley, Housing Program Organizer for CDI’s New England Resident Owned Communities (NEROC) program in Maine

Vanessa Stasse, Faire-Op housing co-op

Mark Sprackland, Executive Director, Independent Retailers Shared Services Cooperative (IRSSC)

Alan White, President, Island Employee Cooperative

PRINCIPLE SIX Work GROUP!forum/principlesix

Get involved & JOIN our Google Group!


Cooperative Maine is planning the Second Annual Principle Six conference. This event brings together Co-ops from around Maine whether they are just forming, in the early planning stages, or have been in existence for many years. This year we are expanding beyond food co-ops to include worker-owned and “other” cooperatives from throughout the state.

“Principle Six” - COOPERATION AMONG COOPERATIVES - is the principle of the International Statement of Cooperative Principles that says: Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional, and international structures. We are working on the local part.

 FMI:  [email protected]

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